Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The chocolate bowl was outside the lab today... and I failed. Hoping for better luck the rest of the day/tomorrow (by which time the chocolate should be gone)...
My weight is slowly progressing in the right direction. I'm weighing about a pound less in the morning than last week.
Training has been going okay. Felt awful on my Sunday long run. Monday, I was too exhausted to run, and instead took a nap. Not my proudest moment, but was probably necessary. Yesterday's run went okay, dropped a few sub-6 minute miles during a 10+ mile run.
Officially is 4 weeks and 3 days until my next race (a St. Patty's day race). I'm not sure where I'll race, (hoping plane tickets drop into my price range so that I can go home, but likely I'll be doing a Michigan race).
Of note: My right knee, which has been bothering for at least 4 years now (I haven't been able to fully flex it, as there has been a straining sensation inside of my knee when I try, preventing my heel from touching my glute by about 8 inches, while with my left knee I was able to touch my heel to my glute with no problem) has been feeling awesome for about a week now. I'm not entirely sure what to attribute this miraculous healing too, except maybe increased hamstring flexibility. I actually got an MRI about 3 weeks ago, and by the time I went to see the doctor about the results, my knee was feeling better. The MRI did show a large cyst behind my knee and in my gastrocnemius (calf) muscle. My best guess is that the increased flexibility due to my stretching has taken some of the pressure off my knee, and that the cyst was able to drain, effectively enabling the flexion of my knee. :)

So how about the new Boston qualifying procedure? I for, for one, like the idea that the faster you are, the earlier you can register.

Winter is starting to break here in East Lansing (I'm probably getting excited about this prematurely). Its been nice to be able to run without worrying about stepping on a block of ice and twisting your ankle (I did this last Friday) or nearly cracking your head open by stepping on a slick patch of ice (also a recent near occurrence for me). The next couple of days are going to be warmer than usual, and I hope to take advantage of them by getting in some faster running outside.

I guess that's how running has been going for now. Blaze on!

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