Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tuesday night track workout

I really think the best way to describe my training since the new year (really, since last spring) is as being "consistently inconsistent." Its been consistent in the sense that, although workouts have been sparse, and my week is as likely to have had 2-3 rest days as it is to have had 2-3 weeks straight with no days off, I've been pretty good on getting out there, doing 8-12 miles, and a respectable pace. Or so I believe, given the fact that I've either been training without mapping the distance or sans watch (or, as it has been of late, neither mapping or timing my runs), so I don't know how fast I am going. And core work has been coming in spurts, and is steadily getting more consistent. Given this, my workout last Tuesday came to me as quite a surprise.
We met at ELHS track at 6 pm. It was just starting to get dark. Although warm for February, the rain made the mild temperatures feel a little cooler than it really was, although once we were moving, it really was not too bad. After an easy 3 mile warm-up, the workout began. It was a 2 mile, 400 rest, 1 mile, 400 rest, 2 x 800 with 400 rest, and then 2 x 400 with 200 rest in between them. The goal was to be running around 10k pace for the two mile, and having the pace increase slightly for each subsequent interval. Given my lack of racing (or even timing my runs), I had little idea of what I should be running, so I just went out there and ran by feel.
We took off on the two mile. Surprisingly, 5 minute mile pace didn't feel like I was over extending myself, and I ran the first repeat with the lead group, even taking over for a few of the middle laps to help with the pacing duties (there was a little wind; not enough to really slow you down much, but enough to make it kind of cold when you were out there leading). After this, I decided I was just going to take each repeat as it came, and not worry about the next. For the mile, Jake ended up leading, and the entire group strung out. Going into the last lap, I was the last of the four of us (Jake, Donnie, Kats, and myself) in the lead group. I decided to move on the last lap, and slowly ate away at the lead each of them had on me. I caught Jake with 100 meters to go, and came in with him, running a 4:49 and closing in 69 seconds. Unlike the 2 mile, I felt like I had maybe over reached a little when I put the throttle down on the last lap, but it really didn't feel too bad.
The 800s were pretty uneventful. I ran an even-splitted 2:22 for the first, and a negative-split 2:22 on the second. Then came the 400s. At this point, I knew I was having a good workout. The goal on these was to go as fast as we could without straining. The first one I clocked in 61. The second was a tick below 60 seconds. And neither of these felt like I was straining. It felt a little tough after everything else, but it didn't feel like I was actually running outside of myself. 
Given my inconsistent training, this workout was a surprise to me. I've been trying to come up with explanations as to why I felt so good during the workout (I definitely didn't feel good going into or coming out of it... my calves were trashed for the next few days after this!). The ideas that I've come up with so far: 1) Last spring/winter's training, where I was doing marathon-like training, is starting to make itself known in my faster workout. This is what I would call the "Letsrun-training adaption theory." 2) My hips/knees/feet/ankles etc. were not bothering me, and I felt like I could really stride out. I think this is a function of me having worked on my form and doing dynamic stretching. It just felt really easy to both open up my stride and, at the same time, get a decent turnover going. 3) I've been running my easy runs easy. And I mean really easy. I'm talking capital E-A-S-Y. I don't think I've been going slow, its just that I haven't been straining when I'm running. And if I have a day where I feel like I need to run 8 minute-per-mile pace, I will do that (I don't actually know that I was running this slow one day, but I am pretty sure that I was running between 7:45 and 8:45 minute miles, and would be pretty surprised if you told me I was running either faster or slower than this pace). For reference, last year at this time, I was running anywhere between 6:40 (at the slowest) and 5:30 pace on my runs. I do get going under 6 minute miles when I am doing hard runs, but for easy runs, I'm just going by feel. 4) I'm getting better sleep, have gotten my heartburn under control, and handling stress better, and am just dealing better with a lot of extrinsic factors that seeming shouldn't affect running, but do.
Likely, its a combination of these things, which, I should add, are not exactly independent of each other. For example, running easier on my easy runs has enabled me to focus more on my form during these runs; dealing with stress helps me recover better so that I can go hard when I need to; dynamic stretching is helping me with my range of motion that enables me to run with better form; the fitness that I gained from last spring is helping me recovery faster and run easier at faster paces. The list really could go on for a while. Regardless, this workout is leaving me excited for my prospects this spring. I'm really not sure what I am focusing on racing-wise. I do know that I'm running the Shamrock shuffle in Chicago in late March and the Martian Meteor 10k in April, but the rest of the plans are pretty up in the air right now.
Well folks, I think I've babbled on for long enough now. Time to get out there and blaze!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Massage biochemically enhances muscle recovery

Welcome back to another edition of "...Or we can blaze!" Just a brief update before I start talking about a study. 
When last we talked, I was, unfortunately, again talking about injury setbacks (seems to be a theme... maybe I should rename this blag 1001 different running injuries, and how to go about developing them). Well, folks, injury has struck again. This time, it was in the form an angry hamstring. I was enjoying an easier Sunday stroll with my roommate Nick and good friend Eric Loveland, when my hamstring decides that it was going to contract, and then not relax. This was by far the worst hamstring issue that I have ever had. It snuck up on me suddenly, and made it nearly impossible to finish my run (against my better judgement, I somehow hobbled my way back home; had I known for sure that someone would come and get me in a reasonable amount of time, I may have just started walking). Luckily, the injury only required a couple of days off, and, a week later, it is basically non-existent. So not too much harm done.
Also notable on that run was the fact the Eric Loveland (who should now be referred to as Eric "Superman" Loveland) got hit by a jeep from behind. I would like to embellish, the story a little, and tell you that Eric got completely blindsided and hit full on by the Jeep, shattering it into a million different pieces, and walking away unharmed (which is why you should call him Superman). But the truth of the matter is that the Jeep, which was coming up from behind way to fast on way too snowy roads, giving way too short of a warning with its horn, and not being patient enough to make sure we were out of the way before it passed, only clipped Eric's shoe, knocking him on the ground and banging up his knee. Sure, Eric's knee got a little bunged up, and I'm sure his heel felt a little off kilter for a while, but, considering how serious it could have been, things turned out pretty okay for him.
Back to my training. Since getting over the hamstring issue, I've actually put in some pretty good runs. Now, I've been running san-watch, so I can't say that I've put down any amazing workouts or anything like that, but I can say that running has, for a change, felt effertless and it has felt like I've found a pop in my stride that has been missing. Plus today I put in 17.25 miles, which didn't feel all that difficult (until the last few). So what this probably means is that in a few weeks I'll be writing about another overuse injury, as that seems to be what happens when I start feeling good- I start too over-train. :)
Finally, too the title of my blog. As many of you know, not only am I a runner, I am a science enthusiast (for those of you that can't tell, that is a bit of sarcasm, considering that "enthusiast" doesn't quite mean the same thing as "I've decided to make a career out of science and go to graduate school to get my Ph.D. in biochemistry). As such, I enjoy perusing the science literature, and my interest always perks up when two of my loves, running and science, intertwine. Well in the journal of Science Translational Medicine (Feb. 1 2012 edition) this week, there was an article on how massage may actually have a biochemical basis for enhanced recovery. A news release can be found here, and here is the original article. The authors looked at genes differentially regulated (i.e. either more or less mRNA, which makes proteins, was produced) in legs of subjects who, after a bout of aerobic exercise, had one leg massaged and one leg, the control, that was not massaged. They found a number of genes that differed in the massaged leg compared to the subjects non-massaged control limb. Additionally, a number of pathways that function in recovery were turned on in the massaged leg to a higher degree than those of the non-massaged leg, suggesting that massage aided in the recovery after exercise. Interestingly, scientist found that a pathway that leads to mitochondrial biosynthesis was turned on, which makes me wonder if not only does massage aid in recovery, but does it actually increase the benefits one would receive from a bout of exercise. 
Like almost all scientific studies, there are a few caveats. For instance, from what I understand, the subjects were not regular exercisers, but rather underwent a single bout  of exercise (actually two- one initial to measure VO2 max and other parameters to define the second test experiment, done two weeks later, where the biochemical measurements were taken). But this study does give credibility to massage as a form of recovery, and does point in the direction of many directions for future studies: does massage aid in the recovery of the habitual aerobic exerciser? Does the type of massage (deep tissue, athletic, gentle, etc.) matter? Is self massage as effective? Foam rollers? How frequent?
Well folks, I hope you enjoyed this post, and until next time, as always, blaze on! :)